
Showing posts from November, 2020

Journal Entry

  November 17 Journal A thing that people might prepare for are earthquakes, fires, or power outages. Now during this time period people are probably prepared in case that the Covid-19 cases become so bad that one will not be able to leave their home. The way that peopl might prepare for this is have spare food and water ready in case they are not allowed to leave their home.

Les Mis Chapter 13

 I didnt really grasp anything that stuck out to me in this chapter exept maybe ofr the fact that the Biship wasnt mentioned too much in this chapter.

Les Mis Chapter 12

 This chapter is w=very confucing even after i gave it a second read over. What I did gater however is the fact that people try to get up in the ranks in order to be a beter version of themselves. Unlike most people however the Biship is content with where he is at.

Journal Entry

   November 12 Journal In my family there are no veterans but I am still thankful for the people who fight for our country. I am also thankful for my parents and everthing that they do in order to keep me and my siblings having every thing that we need. I think my parents work very hard as field workers so that me and my siblings can have a better future.

Journal Entry

November 10 Entry       When I was smaller I didnt want my mom to send me to school with a home made luch because I was afraid that the other kids would make fun that I didn't have "good stuff" like them and thats why I just ate the food provided by the school. Now however I wouldnt care about what my mom would give me because I now know that whatever my mom gives me for lunch is something which they work very hard to get. So Know I wouldnt care if someone made fun of my lunch.

Journal Entry

  November 9 Journal When I think of the word FUTURE I think of a futeristic like city. In this Futuristic City there are really tall buildings aswell as flying cars. That is onw way that I think that the future may end up going or we could also imagine a world like the pone portrayed in the movie MAD MAX. The world in the movie is just lak a large wasteland after all the nuclear wars.

Journal Entry

November 6 Journal  Well now that there is not as much school I find that I have a lot more spare time which means that I have a lot of spare time to do things. Since I know this I try to exercise more now and have done so. I also find that I sometimes just sit down and have nothing to do. When that happens I just start to draw or search up how to draw certain things. I also sometimes just start to use my rubix cube and try to improve my solving time from 40 seconds. So overall I just do a lot of random things now that I have so much spare time.

Journal Entry

November 5 Journal Uncertainty can be a scary thing, it can make you doubt things that shoudn't be doubted but it can also save you from making mistakes. Having hesitaion to do things can be good and bad but usually I try to not have doubt and just follow my gut when making decisions. If this thought proccess makes me make mistakes its not the end of the world I just learn from my mistakes and try to not repeat them. 

Journal Entry

  November 4 Journal I know that the presidential election is happening and i think that the results of the election says a lot about our country. We know that the votes are kinda close which means our country is divided on who they think would make a better president. Personally I dont know if any of the candidates are much better than the other but I think I would rather have Biden win the election because he does not discriminate the minorites as much.

Journal Entry

  November 2 Journal The pandemic has caused us to not be abel to talk to a lot of people face to face. SOme people that i miss talking to are my friends from school because while we still text each other it just isn't the saem as being able to talk to them in person. I feel like we a missing a pretty cool part of our life which is just haveing highschool expirences.

Les Mis Chapter 11

 In this Chapter we are introduced into two new characters which are the Biships brothers. This to me is interesting because we are able to learn more about the Biships personal life. Something else that we are given insight on is why he may give most of what he has to charity. He tries to put himself in their shoes and try to feel the way that they feel.

Journal Entry

November 3 Journal  In order to apply histarical stregnth in this class means to try extremely hard in this class in order to raise ones grade. Now more than ever is it that we will need to somehow get that strength because it is starting to become the end of the time which we are not able to fix our grades. Personally I think I have some of that Histarical Strength when it comes to fixing my own grades so hopefully I am able to get a good grade in this class.