Essay 1: Argument
The Right to Our Own Opinion
I was reading the article, and my first thought is this kinda sounds like me. I am naturally a very stubborn person, and I am one of those people that will say her opinion whether you like it or not, even if I'm probably wrong, which I only am sometimes.I argue with my siblings sometimes just to make them mad not even to have an actual argument but instead to just annoy them. Sometimes with my friends we say things in argument that might actully hurt the other person but we then realize that our actual argument isnt even that serious. Seriously argueing about important topic however may help improve the world and make the world a better place for future generations. Topics such as BLM and Rape victims are topics that are important and worth argueing.
Opinions belong to a person and they should have that right. When people say an opinion and then try to act like anybody else with a different opinion is wrong, that to me is not a very good minddset because you will never improve as a peson and you are not really helping anbody solve the issue that is even being argued about. In 2020 a big topic is BLM and the way that it seems that some police are out of control with the way that black men and women are being treated when the police dont have the right or authority to treat the black community any differently than other people. A big if not the biggest example is George Floyd who is dead because of the way that the officers treated him. Some people may argue that is not only the polices' fault but also George's since he refused to get in the police car since he kept repeating that he couldn't breath. But the truth is that the police is really to blame since George Floyd really could not breath and the police just ignored that. Another very sensitive yet important topic is rape victims.
Unlike many other interpersonal crimes such as robberies or muggings, victims of sexual assault are particularly vulnerable to being blamed for their attack, and thus victim blaming in sexual assault cases has been the focus of many empirical investigations. However, despite the extensive amount of research performed on this topic, there is little consensus of when victim blaming will or will not occur in sexual assault cases. The case is that women who report that they have been sexually abused are often accused like it is their fault. So this leads to people accepting sexual assualt like a normal thing and not really talking about it. Argueing is great not just to solve issues but to also make the other side understand what your thought proccess between certain ideas or to present your truths.
For example I really think that dogs are better than cats yet some people will say the exact oppisite and its okay. Everyone has the right to say their truths and honestly people's opinion will be influenced by their past expirences with the topic in dusscussion. As long as you see where the person is coming from and both sides of the argument are respectfully trying to persuade that what they say is correct then the argument is worth it. If both sides have said what they have to say and both sides still disagree they they have to respect the other opinion and move on.
In conlclusion, the way people think is importat because it will always benefit to have more than one point of view on some situations. Some people might have an opinion on what they dont like about you and due to this you have the information on what you are able to improve. So overall People have the right to have any opinion and you are forced to respect it.
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